Be Any Therapist

Be Any Therapist is a web application that lets you experience different therapy styles and techniques. You can chat with a language model that mimics the style and technique of any therapist you search for. You can also see your chat history and how it changes over time.

How it works

Be Any Therapist uses the following technologies:

  • Next.js: A React framework for building fast and scalable web applications.
  • Langchain: A language model that can generate natural and fluent text based on a given prompt or query.
  • Tailwind: A utility-first CSS framework for styling web pages.

The application uses streaming chat to communicate with the language model in real time. It also uses vectorization to encode and store the chat history as numerical representations. This allows the application to retrieve and display the chat history efficiently and accurately.

Why it matters

Be Any Therapist is an open source project that aims to raise awareness and education about mental health. There is a huge mental health crisis in the US, where there are not enough mental health clinicians and the costs are too high. This application is not a substitute for a therapist, but it may be a way to learn more about different styles and techniques of therapy and get a taste of them.

How to use your own OpenAI key If you want to use your own OpenAI key to communicate with the Langchain language model, you need to create a file named .env.local in the root directory of the project and add your key there. You can follow the steps in the code block below:

# Create a file named .env.local in the root directory of the project
touch .env.local

# Open the file with your preferred editor and add the following line
# Replace <your-openai-key> with your actual OpenAI key
echo "OPENAI_KEY=<your-openai-key>" >> .env.local

# Save and close the file

How to contribute

If you are interested in contributing to this project, please check out the issues and pull requests sections on GitHub. You can also contact me at

I hope this helps. Is there anything else I can do for you?