This repository defines generic data structures in Go.
- heapq a heap-structured priority queue (package docs)
- mapset a basic map-based set implementation (package docs)
- mlink basic linked sequences (list, queue, ring) (package docs)
- omap ordered key-value map (package docs)
- oset ordered set (package docs)
- queue an array-based FIFO queue (package docs)
- stack an array-based LIFO stack (package docs)
- stree self-balancing binary-search tree (package docs)
- distinct a probabilistic distinct-elements counter (CVM) (package docs)
- slice helpful functions for manipulating slices (package docs)
- mbits helpful functions for manipulating bits and bytes (package docs)
- mdiff supports creating textual diffs (package docs, example)
- mstr helpful functions for manipulating strings (package docs)
- mtest a support library for writing tests (package docs)
- shell POSIX shell quoting and splitting (package docs)
- value helpful functions for basic values and pointers (package docs)