Dashboard is the Kabisa Managed Services monitoring dashboard, used on several screens in the office.
Dashboard is powered by Dashing.
Dashboard gives you a quick overview of the most important data sets for your company. Currently, three data sets are exposed in different ways:
Zendesk – Get notifications and warnings about the number of tickets in a specific view. You can also show a list of Zendesk views and the total number of tickets in these views.
Nagios – Get notifications/warnings about the number of services which are marked as warnings or criticals.
Project - This job shows a single card per company project. This card can then be modified based on the state of the project. Right now there is a single sub-job that changes the state of these cards, namely Jenkins. The Jenkins job shows when a build is in progress and displays the status (failed or passed) of the project's latest build. It also shows who broke the build.
git clone
Configuration happens through a set of environment variables. There are three files you should rename and modify to your liking:
dashing start
The application can easily be deployed to a free Heroku instance.
The dashboard is built using a YAML config file at
, no dashboard.erb is used (merged PR#95 at kabisaict/dashing. -
HAML parsing enabled, both widgets and templates are built with HAML (merged PR#123 at kabisaict/dashing).
Gridster almost completely disabled. Grister is still used to organize the layout, but drag & drop has been turned off, and all add-ons are removed.
Check out http://shopify.github.com/dashing for more information.
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
Dashboard was originally written by Jean Mertz (@JeanMertz) and is based on the Dashing framework.
Dashboard is a Kabisa initiative.
Dashboard is Copyright © 2013 Jean Mertz and Kabisa ICT. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE.txt file.