This is a Cura plugin used to connect Creality Cloud.You can downlded the Creality Cloud App and register an account through this website.
Plugin needs to be with Creality Cloud App and Creality Cloud WIFI box. Using the path:
Cura Creality Cloud Integration -> Creality Cloud App -> Creality Cloud WIFI box -> 3D printer
How to Connect Creality WiFi Box
How to Upload G-code to Creality Cloud from Ultimaker Cura
Marketplace (recommended):
The plugin is available through the Cura Marketplace as the Creality Cloud plugin
The curapackage file is dragged into Cura and restart.
Download or clone the repository into [Cura configuration folder]/plugins/CrealityCloudIntegration
The configuration folder can be found via Help -> Show Configuration Folder inside Cura.
You need to modify the parameters to configure the different locale server environments. This parameter is in the files, self._env variable.
Global service(default):
self._env = release_oversea
Mainland China services:
self._env = release_local
Test services:
self._env = test
This plugin contains a submodule/copy of the following dependecies: