Python library for Global Hydrology Analysis. Used to calculate upstream contributing area, aspect, slope, and topographic wetness index.
- apburnes18F (work) + personal projects
- Batch21
- bendvDepartment of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Guelph
- bidhyaThe Ohio State University
- chipaudetteVermont, USA
- cj2001Clair Sullivan and Associates LLC
- dkerkow@Geolicious
- EvanBiancoEBC
- fredrocks
- gastonebAquanty
- giltisGeo-Logic Associates
- hbuenoCampinas, Brazil
- HydroLogicChicago, IL
- iled
- javimarlopUniversity of Granada
- jmilloyNorth Carolina
- jterstriepUniversity of Illinois/NCSA
- lanfa
- leouiedaUniversidade de São Paulo
- lx-88Northwest USA
- malcolmrhAnchorage, Alaska
- mhweberUS Environmental Protection Agency
- mpu-creare
- OlympusMonds
- onamat
- pblankenau2Idaho Department of Water Resources
- perrygeoFort Collins, CO
- porte404Seattle
- pyRobShrkCalifornia
- scotthavensBoise, ID
- scwEsri
- sebastianbeyer
- shoyer@google
- thwllmsWSP, Inc
- timmie
- ungarjEOX IT Services