
Ask Caro : coding assistant robot

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Ask Caro : coding assistant robot Assistant can help you with your bugs, his dream for all developers. The problem today for dozens of developers when you search for a solution for a problem is found in the work on Google, on specific websites for developers for example StackOverflow can take a lot of time. Imagine if you talk to him with an assistant, it will bring you a solution to your problem. before continuing to talk, we try to explain what Virtual Assistant means? A Virtual Assistant is a computer application that provides answers to the questions you ask, or otherwise a virtual assistance is a computer program that can simulate a conversation with one or more humans by textual exchange. when i started learning machine learning and trying to develop an idea like this, create a virtual help that can help. After 2 months, I finished my first prototype for this idea and decided to nominate Ask Caro: Coding Assistant Robot. Ask Caro is a virtual assitance, uses artificial intelligence and reacts differently to thousands of possible answers. as I said it's not the final solution, but it's the starter for me to finish that dream