
This is a list of extra or updated addons for the Candle Controller. A lot of these addons are only available on Candle, and not on Webthings.

Candle is built on Webthings Gateway 1.1/2.0, so if an addon works there it should also work on Candle.

If you want to add an addon to Candle, your best course of action is to first try and get it acccepted on Webthings. That will make your addon available to both communities.

If your addon is not accepted by Webthings (or if you only want it to be available on Candle for some reason), then you can propose the addon here. The back-end assumes the addon is on Github. In that case you can create a beta version of your addon by starting the description of a release with "beta ".



Candle is focussed on two things: protecting privacy and ease of use.

Please make your addon as privacy protecting as possible. For example:

  • Do not connect to third party servers unless you really need to (limit corporate surveillance).
  • Make it hard for people in a household to use the data to surveil each other (limit coveillance).

Please make your addon easy to use for non-technical people:

  • You could create an UI extension to let them change settings or provide input more intuitively or more visually.

You can learn more about the Candle store here: