The article series include:
- Introduction - the general idea of the CRF layer on the top of BiLSTM for named entity recognition tasks
- A Detailed Example - a toy example to explain how CRF layer works step-by-step
- Chainer Implementation - a chainer implementation of the CRF Layer
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 1 Outline and Introduction
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 2 CRF Layer (Emission and Transition Score)
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 3 CRF Loss Function
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 4 Real Path Score
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 5 The Total Score of All the Paths
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 6 Infer the Labels for a New Sentence
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 7 Chainer Implementation Warm Up
- CRF Layer on the Top of BiLSTM - 8 Demo Code
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