
This is just a coding exercise I performed for work. The license is probably encumbered as it was work-for-hire. I'm just providing it here because it was interesting to me. I produced the same code in several different languages. This is the OCaml version. If you've never heard of OCaml before... congrats. That's totally normal!

Boyd Belts

The premise of this code is a concept I first heard from Rener Gracie in this video:

He terms this concept "Boyd Belts". The idea is that you can be a black belt in jiu-jitsu and still lose to younger, stronger, heavier, lower skilled opponents. This code is just a fun exercise to calculate match difficulty between two BJJ practitioners based on their "Boyd Belt".

I took some creative license and added height to the "Boyd Belt" ranking system, with every 6" being a belt. I have no idea if that's legit or not. I'm just a one stripe white belt. It's all made up anyway.

The practitioner stats are described in JSON. Feel free to download the code, plug in your own numbers, recompile, and run it.

Getting Started

Mac OS X

brew install ocaml
brew install opam


I don't know, sorry. Google or ask ChatGPT.

Install dependencies

opam install yojson



