
A hapijs react redux demo project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hapi.JS React Redux demo project

Hapi.js + Sequelize backend with React + Redux front end

Getting Started

brew update
brew install nvm // if not already installed
nvm install v16.14.0
nvm use v16.14.0
nvm alias default v16.14.0
# The next 3 lines are only necessary if you do not have a package-lock.json file for some reason
npm shrinkwrap
mv npm-shrinkwrap.json package-lock.json
npm install # first time - gives security warnings
npm install # second time, npm-force-resolutions clears warnings based on resolutions section from package.json
npm run reloadseed
npm test
npm run dev

Then visit http://localhost:8000



We use HapiJS for the server side MVC framework. We use Sequelize for the ORM.

/server.js is the entry point for HapiJS. Everything branches from there.

  • /routes contain server side routes
  • /models contain the Sequelize models.
  • /views contain server side views
  • /controllers contain server side controllers
  • /migrations contain server side database migrations (see Development section, below)
  • /seed is unused, but database seeds would go here.
  • /seeders is also unused, but database import scripts (CSV import, for example) might go here.
  • /dist production transpiler (babel) cache generated by npm run build and used by npm run serve


We use React + Redux for the frontend framework. If you are not familiar with Redux, I strongly recommend watching these short, free, tutorial videos: https://egghead.io/courses/getting-started-with-redux

  • /client contains react/redux client
  • /client/actions contain redux actions
  • /client/components contain redux components (similar to AngularJS directives/components - sorta)
  • /client/reducers contain redux reducers


  • /test/client contains react/redux tests
  • /test/models contain sequelize model unit tests
  • /test/services contain service unit tests
  • /test_helpers/factories contain easy to use database factories to help write tests quickly


npm run build
npm run serve


This project uses SequelizeJS to manage the DB.


To create a migration called "SSN":

./node_modules/.bin/sequelize migration:create --name SSN
vim migrations/20170919194522-SSN.js

Next, run the migration:

./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate

Then, generate a bare model file in the models directory from that migration (save time by not writing boilerplate by hand):

./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-auto -h localhost -d db.development.sqlite -e sqlite -o ./models -t products


You may decide you want some seed data in the development database when you are doing UI related work.

To create a seed called "SSN":

./node_modules/.bin/sequelize seed:create --name SSN
vim seeders/20170919194522-SSN.js

Next, run the seeds:

npm run reloadseed # WARNING: aggressively wipes dev db and reload seeds

Here's an example of how to create a model from the sometable table on somedb:

./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-auto -h localhost -p 3306 -u someuser -x somepass -d somedb -e mysql -o ./models -t sometable