
[WIP] A simple news reading GUI app built in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Headlines [WIP]

A cross platform native GUI app built with Rust using egui. Uses newsapi.org as the source to fetch news articles.


This project is intended to serve as educational content for folks learning Rust. To follow along in the journey check out the video walkthoughs below:

Video walkthroughs

EP 7a

EP 7b

EP 8

EP 9

Subscribe to the creativcoder channel to stay updated for more.

Implementation Status / Roadmap

  • Base UI
  • Integrate dark mode
  • Integrate real articles feed.
  • Config window for setting API_KEY
  • State persistance
  • Cross platform
  • Build and release script
  • CI integration using GitHub Actions
  • More API features
  • Multiple news sources.

Build and run instructions

Before building headlines make sure you have rust toolchain installed and egui dependencies are installed.


cargo run


cargo run.


cargo run should work but would help if someone can test it.


Headlines can be served from your browser (only at localhost at the moment, because of CORS)

  • Run ./setup_web.sh script to install dependencies.
  • Run ./start_web.sh to spawn the app in the browser.


All kinds of contributions are welcome.
