An array of ~1,648,000 German words derived from Wiktionary and the Letterpress word list. Provides normal case, lowercase and uppercase versions. Works with node and browserify.
Try also the original an-array-of-english-words from zeke.
To use the module in Javascript code, install it locally:
npm install all-the-german-words --save
var woerter = require("all-the-german-words")
var quatschWoerter = woerter.filter(function(w) { return /quatsch/i.test(w) })
There's a CLI that prints all words to STDOUT. Install it globally:
npm i -g all-the-german-words
Now you can print all words:
woerter | grep Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft
The lowercase ascii version of this word list: all-the-german-words-ascii