
Advertising TV Box

Primary LanguageJava


Advertising TV Box :

Details: FTP ACCESS: Host : ftp.chnpl.com Login ID : mytv@chnpl.com Password : raman1234


digital signage users – the table from which the user name and password is verified. Each registration results in a unique user id being created. comp videos – the table wherein each video uploaded is linked to to the user id. comp tickers – the table wherein the newslink (as per comp_newslink) is linked with user id comp theams – the table wherein difference theme options are listed comp taglines – in the dashboard provided to the user, there is an option to add taglines that appear next to the logo of the company on the top. This table lists the taglines and lopo chosen by each user to display on their screen. comp newslink – the table wherein the different options to include news ticker (at the bottom of the screen) is provided comp musics - the table wherein each music file uploaded is linked to to the user id. comp informations – the table that records the data entered by the user in the company information field in the dashboard