
This teaching resource is designed to help students understand how to create an OpenGL application using C++.

Primary LanguageC++

README for OpenGL C++ Teaching Resource


This teaching resource is designed to help students understand how to create an OpenGL application using C++. The example provided sets up a simple rendering pipeline to draw a colored square on the screen. It makes use of libraries like GLFW for window management, GLAD for OpenGL function loading, and GLM for mathematical calculations.


  • C++ Compiler (e.g., GCC, MSVC) For detailed instructions on installing each library, please follow the links below:
  1. GLFW: Download and install.
  2. GLAD: For an in-depth guide on setting up GLAD, please refer to GLAD_Setup.md.
  3. GLM: Clone or download and include it in your project.

OS: This guide assumes you are using Windows 11. For other OS, the setup might differ slightly.

Directory Structure

  • main.cpp: The main C++ source file that contains all the OpenGL logic.
  • ShaderUtils.h and ShaderUtils.cpp: Utilities for loading and compiling shaders.
  • vertex.glsl: The vertex shader file.
  • fragment.glsl: The fragment shader file.

Step-by-Step Setup

1. Install Required Libraries

For detailed instructions on installing each library, please follow the links below:

  1. GLFW: For an in-depth guide on setting up and linking GLFW, please refer to GLFW_Setup.md.
  2. GLAD: For an in-depth guide on setting up and linking GLAD, please refer to GLAD_Setup.md.
  3. GLM: For an in-depth guide on including GLM in your project, please refer to GLM_Setup.md.
2. Set Up Your Project
  1. Create a new C++ project in your favorite IDE or text editor.
  2. Add the main.cpp file into the project.
  3. Add ShaderUtils.h and ShaderUtils.cpp into the project.
  4. Place vertex.glsl and fragment.glsl in the project directory.
3. Link Libraries
  • Link GLFW, GLAD, and any other required libraries.
4. Compile and Run

Compile the project and run it. You should see a window displaying a colored square.

Code Explanation

The main steps in the code are as follows:

  1. Initialization: Initialize GLFW and create a window.
  2. OpenGL Setup: Load OpenGL functions using GLAD.
  3. Shader Setup: Load and compile vertex and fragment shaders.
  4. Data Buffers: Create Vertex Buffer Object (VBO) and Element Buffer Object (EBO) and upload vertex and index data.
  5. Rendering Loop: Clear screen, draw elements, swap buffers, and poll events.

For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the inline comments in the main.cpp file.


  1. Compilation Errors: Make sure all libraries are correctly linked.
  2. Runtime Errors: Make sure the shader files vertex.glsl and fragment.glsl are in the correct directory.

Concluding Remarks

This is a simple example, but it forms the basis of almost every 2D and 3D application. Feel free to expand upon it and explore more advanced OpenGL features.