Soft UI Dashboard PRO React - Premium Dashboard using React and Material UI
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Globe issues
#40 opened by NarendraW3s - 1
No Messages Page?
#38 opened by phillypro - 1
Re-render Problem When Scrolling
#36 opened by dogncankrkc - 1
home page not rendering icons correctly at start, but reloads all icons after hitting refresh
#37 opened by saadyacu - 3
add new page without sidenav
#28 opened by zaferhuzmeli - 3
#25 opened by hall2000C - 2
issue with [eslint] Plugin "react" was conflicted between ".eslintrc.json" and "BaseConfig »
#26 opened by pmyash911 - 4
[Bug] Chart is not loading properly
#27 opened by vishaltadha - 3
Style/theme missing?
#31 opened by barrychapman - 1
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RUN npm install immediate errors for react 18 for @asseinfo/react-kanban@2.2.0
#33 opened by murffious - 7
[Bug] ERROR in Plugin "react" was conflicted between ".eslintrc.json" and "BaseConfig
#24 opened by lagrawal1313 - 1
Page reload return 404
#35 opened by zaferhuzmeli - 1
Can I use template with tsx?
#32 opened by lucianobianchidf - 0
Need help with SoftDropzone
#34 opened by samirakamidamaru - 4
@material/lab package problem
#29 opened by zaferhuzmeli - 3
Project imports
#22 opened by DoublySoft - 4
Problem when clean install
#17 opened by tomherbin - 2
Data table
#23 opened by rodevandroid - 0
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[Help] How can I get the order ID?
#20 opened by zmm2tysu - 3
Problem installing the node dependencies
#19 opened by aminrd - 2
[Bug] Auto reload on save
#18 opened by stripuramallu3 - 2
Prop type "any", "object", "array" are forbidden
#16 opened by Abiram-N - 1
#12 opened by dguptahellohello - 5
React dependency issues
#11 opened by shawncutter - 1
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[Bug] Failed to compile + page displays an iframe where I can't click anything
#14 opened by MBWebTechMariusz - 2
[Bug] Failed to parse source map from 'C:\Users\jose\Downloads\minumeapp-front\node_modules\@pathofdev\react-tag-input\build\'
#13 opened by joseangelhernandez - 1
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Help wanted: How do you route to a component page from code targeting the middle ?
#8 opened by alisadeghi88 - 2
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#5 opened by Edgar256 - 3
[Bug] Bug on a chart component - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'labels')
#6 opened by tomherbin - 3
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[Bug] Just a question .. (Not a bug)
#1 opened by jeffkershner