- 0
- 0
[Bug] Missing vue.config.js file
#125 opened by zhaozheng612 - 1
Missing vue.config.js file
#124 opened by zhaozheng612 - 1
[Bug] Cannot start
#123 opened by mohanroy - 5
- 3
Bug with \node_modules\open\index.js
#97 opened by elluminati-dev - 3
- 1
How to update manually?
#102 opened by Thyiad - 1
- 2
There is a bug about Memory leak on your offical demo
#104 opened by jnzwt - 2
open page with "sidebar" MAXIMIZED
#105 opened by intelmib - 4
[Bug] Slider Component is missing slider
#106 opened by Jahor - 0
Cannot use animations on ChartCard
#107 opened by axelex - 0
[Bug] How to disable sidebar filters (FixedPlugin.vue) and permanently set only one sidebar image/sidebar background/sidebar filters
#108 opened by amoreo140 - 1
[Bug] Active Nested Route
#111 opened by subhanshu-shukla - 10
- 1
Multilevel collapse
#116 opened by dragosct - 12
[Bug] eslint dependency error
#118 opened by gopeca - 1
- 1
Tooltip on charts
#121 opened by guilhermenovaesf - 1
can not build production
#120 opened by nguund - 1
[Bug] Layout on multi select input box
#119 opened by nbsoftware - 1
[Bug] eslint dependency error
#117 opened by gopeca - 1
More deep on sub-menus
#115 opened by polinevol - 1
npm run dev fails to compile
#114 opened by IsraelCastroGonzalez - 1
#112 opened by robecha18 - 1
Active route in nested routing path
#110 opened by subhanshu-shukla - 1
Bug when trying to add a drawing in google maps
#109 opened by LuanFreitas - 1
Can't find out settings page, my profile page, my profile edit page in pro version
#100 opened by ahmedTareque - 2
Wizard - Mobile vue
#99 opened by abn50167 - 1
Sidebar Plugin - Expand Only One Issue
#98 opened by varinder1992 - 3
notifications timeout property doesn't work
#81 opened by irineos1995 - 1
- 3
- 1
this.$notify Second Arg Obj
#82 opened by ahmed-shahrour - 1
IE 11 support
#85 opened by egorzot - 2
- 4
- 3
- 1
Some dashboard components styles not RTL friendly
#76 opened by eybarta - 3
Progress bar prepended styles bug
#77 opened by egorzot - 1
Incompatible units px and rem.
#78 opened by amorZhu - 1
- 1
Login page on enter event not working
#94 opened by 9DetoX2 - 4
- 1
[Bug] Scroll problem in page transitions
#90 opened by etenente - 1
Reactivity inside <md-table-toolbar> fails.
#87 opened by mrbio - 3
- 6
New download fails to start with npm run dev
#83 opened by jaibhatia - 1