
Power Platform Best Practices

MIT LicenseMIT

Power Platform Best Practices

The purpose of this repository is gather and share best practices for the Power Platform configuration/development.

You should be able to easily clone this repository and incorporate these good practices in the documentation of your own project adapting it to your own needs.


The main goal of this structure is to facilitate the cloning of this repository to use it in your own projects, making it easier to adapt the rules to your own project needs.

  • The pages are categorized per technology within the Power Platform.
  • Every good practice contains an ID and an explanation of the rationale behind it.
  • In cases where is necessary, examples and more reference links should be provided.

The inclusion of an ID makes referencing and linking easier. You can use the rule reference when you do peer reviews or pull requests.



Contribution is encouraged through pull requests and issues.


This repository and its pages is shared within the terms of the MIT license.