Challenge "ReactFacts"

Table of Contents


  • Create a components folder
  • Create the following components in separate files inside the components folder. In each one, just render an h1 with the name of the component (e.g. return Navbar goes here):
    • Navbar
    • Main
  • Create an App component outside the components folder (sibling to the index.js file)
    • Have App render the Navbar and Main components
  • Import and render the App component inside of index.js using ReactDOM
    • At this point you should have your "Navbar goes here" etc. showing up in the mini-browser.
  • Go to Google fonts and get the "Inter" font with weights 400, 600, and 700. Put the links to those fonts ABOVE the style.css link in index.html (Use the <link/> elements instead of the @import or npm options for getting the fonts. You may need to do some extra research to figure out how this works if you haven't done it before)




Built with

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Moderm Javascript
  • React & ReactDOM
  • Vite.js
