CREATOR is a generic teaching simulator to program in assembly in which you can simulate the operation of different architectures on the same tool. This simulator is designed to be used as a tool in which students can put into practice the brews seen in the theoretical classes of the subjects of Architecture and Computer Structure.
- 100472175Madrid
- albertosanchez14Madrid, Spain
- bodgergely
- chenxyzj
- dan-garcia
- dcamarmasUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
- jorgee00España
- Jose64141
- JustinMMiller
- ldcas-uc3mUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid
- MichaelPascaleBoston University
- paulie-g
- pngwen
- rajayonin
- SilinYe2001
- vazhnovGrid Dynamics
- wepsimUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Departamento de Informática, Grupo ARCOS
- yilmazdurmazTurkey