
Real-time WebSocket market data API for Mango Markets v3

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This project is forked from https://github.com/tardis-dev/serum-vial

Docker version

mango-vial: real-time WS market data API for Mango Perp Markets

Getting started

Start a local instance

npm run start:debug

Run the code snippet below in the browser Dev Tools directly or in Node.js (requires installation of ws lib.

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8000/v1/ws')

ws.onmessage = (message) => {

ws.onopen = () => {
  const subscribeL2 = {
    op: 'subscribe',
    channel: 'level2',
    markets: ['BTC-PERP']


Since by default mango-vial uses confirmed commitment level for getting accounts notification from RPC node, it may sometimes feel slightly lagged when it comes to order book updates vs default DEX UI which uses recent/processed commitment.



For the best mango-vial data reliability it's advised to set up a dedicated Solana RPC node and connect mango-vial to it instead of default https://solana-api.projectserum.com which may rate limit or frequently restart Websocket RPC connections since it's a public node used by many.

npx (requires Node.js >= 15 and git installed on host machine)

Installs and starts mango-vial server running on port 8000.

npx mango-vial

If you'd like to switch to different Solana RPC node endpoint like for example local one, change port or run with debug logs enabled, just add one of the available CLI options.

npx mango-vial --endpoint http://localhost:8090 --ws-endpoint-port 8899 --log-level debug --port 8900

Alternatively you can install mango-vial globally.

npm install -g mango-vial

CLI options

                                           name                                       default description
port 8000 Port to bind server on
endpoint https://solana-api.projectserum.com Solana RPC node endpoint that mango-vial uses as a data source
ws-endpoint-port - Optional Solana RPC WS node endpoint port that mango-vial uses as a data source (if different than REST endpoint port) source
log-level info Log level, available options: debug, info, warn and error
minions-count 1 Minions worker threads count that are responsible for broadcasting normalized WS messages to connected clients
commitment confirmed Solana commitment level to use when communicating with RPC node, available options: confirmed and processed
markets-json @project-serum/serum markets.json file, but only non depreciated markets path to custom market.json definition file if one wants to run mango-vial for custom markets

Run npx mango-vial --help to see all available startup options.


Pulls and runs latest version of microwavedcola/mango-vial Docker Image on port 8000.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -d microwavedcola/mango-vial:latest

If you'd like to switch to different Solana RPC node endpoint, change port or run with debug logs enabled, just specify those via one of the available env variables.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e "MV_LOG_LEVEL=debug" -d microwavedcola/mango-vial:latest

ENV Variables

                                           name                                       default description
MV_PORT 8000 Port to bind server on
MV_ENDPOINT https://solana-api.projectserum.com Solana RPC node endpoint that mango-vial uses as a data source
MV_WS_ENDPOINT_PORT - Optional Solana RPC WS node endpoint port that mango-vial uses as a data source (if different than REST endpoint port) source
MV_LOG_LEVEL info Log level, available options: debug, info, warn and error
MV_MINIONS_COUNT 1 Minions worker threads count that are responsible for broadcasting normalized WS messages to connected clients
MV_COMMITMENT confirmed Solana commitment level to use when communicating with RPC node, available options: confirmed and processed
MV_MARKETS_JSON @project-serum/serum markets.json file, but only non depreciated markets path to custom market.json definition file if one wants to run mango-vial for custom markets

SSL/TLS Support

mango-vial supports SSL/TLS but it's not enabled by default. In order to enable it you need to set CERT_FILE_NAME env var pointing to the certificate file and KEY_FILE_NAME pointing to private key of that certificate.

WebSocket API

WebSocket API provides real-time market data feeds of Serum DEX and uses a bidirectional protocol which encodes all messages as JSON objects.

  • each WebSocket client is required to actively send native WebSocket pings to the server with interval less than 30 seconds, otherwise connection may be dropped due to inactivity

  • message compression is enabled for clients supporting permessage-deflate

Endpoint URL

  • ws://localhost:8000/v1/ws - assuming mango-vial runs locally on default port without SSL enabled

  • wss://api.mango-vial.dev/v1/ws - demo mango-vial server endpoint

Subscribing to data feeds

To begin receiving real-time market data feed messages, you must first send a subscribe message to the server indicating channels and markets for which you want the data for.

If you want to unsubscribe from channel and markets, send an unsubscribe message. The structure is equivalent to subscribe messages except op field which should be set to "op": "unsubscribe".

Subscribe/unsubscribe message format

  "op": "subscribe" | "unsubscribe",
  "channel": "level2" | "level1",
  "markets": string[]
sample subscribe message
  "op": "subscribe",
  "channel": "level2",
  "markets": ["BTC-PERP"]

Subscription confirmation message format

Once a subscription (or unsubscription) request is processed by the server, it will push subscribed (or unsubscribed) confirmation message or error if received request message was invalid.

"type": "subscribed" | "unsubscribed",
"channel": "level2" | "level1",
"markets": string[],
"timestamp": string
sample subscribed confirmation message
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "level2",
  "markets": ["BTC-PERP"],
  "timestamp": "2021-03-23T17:06:30.010Z"

Error message format

Error message is pushed for invalid subscribe/unsubscribe messages - non existing market, invalid channel name etc.

  "type": "error",
  "message": "string,
  "timestamp": "string
sample error message
  "type": "error",
  "message": "Invalid channel provided: 'levels1'.",
  "timestamp": "2021-03-23T17:13:31.010Z"

Supported channels & corresponding message types

When subscribed to the channel, server will push the data messages as specified below.

Supported markets

Markets supported by mango-vial server can be queried via GET /markets HTTP endpoint ([].name field).

Data messages

  • type is determining message's data type so it can be handled appropriately

  • timestamp when message has been received from node RPC API in ISO 8601 format with milliseconds, for example: "2021-03-23T17:03:03.994Z"

  • slot is a Solana's slot number for which message has produced

  • version of Serum DEX program layout (DEX version)

  • price and size are provided as strings to preserve precision


Pushed real-time for any change in best bid/ask price or size for a given market (decoded from the bids and asks accounts).

  • bestAsk and bestBid are tuples where first item is a price and second is a size of the best bid/ask level
  "type": "quote",
  "market": string,
  "timestamp": string,
  "slot": number,
  "version": number,
  "bestAsk": [price: string, size: string] | undefined,
  "bestBid": [price: string, size: string] | undefined

sample quote message

  "type": "quote",
  "market": "BTC-PERP",
  "timestamp": "2021-03-24T07:11:57.186Z",
  "slot": 70544253,
  "version": 3,
  "bestAsk": ["55336.1", "5.0960"],
  "bestBid": ["55285.6", "7.5000"]


Entire up-to-date order book snapshot with orders aggregated by price level pushed immediately after successful subscription confirmation.

  • asks and bids arrays contain tuples where first item of a tuple is a price level and second one is a size of the resting orders at that price level

  • it can be pushed for an active connection as well when underlying server connection to the RPC node has been restarted, in such scenario locally maintained order book should be re-initialized with a new snapshot

  • together with l2update messages it can be used to maintain local up-to-date full order book state

  "type": "l2snapshot",
  "market": string,
  "timestamp": string,
  "slot": number,
  "version": number,
  "asks": [price: string, size: string][],
  "bids": [price: string, size: string][]

sample l2snapshot message

  "type": "l2snapshot",
  "market": "BTC-PERP",
  "timestamp": "2021-03-24T09:00:53.087Z",
  "slot": 70555623,
  "version": 3,
  "asks": [
    ["56463.3", "8.6208"],
    ["56474.3", "5.8632"],
    ["56496.4", "3.7627"]
  "bids": [
    ["56386.0", "4.8541"],
    ["56370.1", "6.8054"],
    ["56286.3", "8.6631"]


Pushed real-time for any change to the order book for a given market with updated price levels and sizes since the previous update (decoded from the bids and asks accounts).

  • together with l2snapshot, l2update messages can be used to maintain local up-to-date full order book state

  • asks and bids arrays contain updates which are provided as a tuples where first item is an updated price level and second one is an updated size of the resting orders at that price level (absolute value, not delta)

  • if size is set to 0 it means that such price level does not exist anymore and shall be removed from locally maintained order book

  "type": "l2update",
  "market": string,
  "timestamp": string,
  "slot": number,
  "version": number,
  "asks": [price: string, size: string][],
  "bids": [price: string, size: string][]

sample l2update message

  "type": "l2update",
  "market": "BTC-PERP",
  "timestamp": "2021-03-24T09:00:55.586Z",
  "slot": 70555627,
  "version": 3,
  "asks": [["56511.5", "7.5000"]],
  "bids": [
    ["56421.6", "0.0000"],
    ["56433.6", "5.9475"]


GET /markets

Returns Mango Perp markets list supported by mango-vial instance (it can be updated by providing custom markets.json file).

Endpoint URL

Response format

  "name": string,
  "address": string,
  "programId": string,

sample response

    "name": "BTC-PERP",
    "address": "A8YFbxQYFVqKZaoYJLLUVcQiWP7G2MeEgW5wsAQgMvFw",
    "programId": "9xQeWvG816bUx9EPjHmaT23yvVM2ZWbrrpZb9PusVFin",