
website in progress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

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\b \ul Reminders: 
\b0 \ulnone \
make sure to update the Facebook / email link in all 3 locations!\
There is a fake pdf as a place holder for the Studio Direct Packet - be sure to replace it. If you keep the file name the same you won\'92t need to modify the html.\
There is a fake icon (Favicon). Again if you keep the file name the same you won\'92t need to modify the html.\
In the slideshow under the header \'93a New Artist to Patron Model\'94 keep all images the same width or the whole page will wiggle\
note that the \'93back to top\'94 link disappears when the screen is small. I did this so that the footer still looks good when the screen is small. \

\b \ul How Tos 
\b0 \ulnone \
to add images to the cover image slideshow. open \'93coverImgScripts.js\'94 and add the file names to the array called \'93bgImgs.\'94 For example to add a third image you would place the image in \'93img/background\'94 and edit the script to read: \
	var bgImgs = ["BackGroundImg1.jpg", "BackGroundImg2.jpg" , "BackGroundImg3.jpg"];\
You would do nearly the same thing to update the other slideshow. Except add the image to \'93img/theModel_Assets/slideshow\'94 and modify the array at the top of the \'93simpleslideShow.js\'94 file. \

\b \ul Some links
\b0 \ulnone \
This was a very annoying issue, but now it is fixed: \
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://foundation.zurb.com/forum/posts/547-off-canvas-with-fixed-top-bar?page=3"}}{\fldrslt http://foundation.zurb.com/forum/posts/547-off-canvas-with-fixed-top-bar?page=3}}\
Arrow Hover: \
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.corelangs.com/css/box/hover.html"}}{\fldrslt 
\fs26 \cf0 http://www.corelangs.com/css/box/hover.html}}
\fs26 \
The nav: \
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://css-tricks.com/centering-list-items-horizontally-slightly-trickier-than-you-might-think/"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 http://css-tricks.com/centering-list-items-horizontally-slightly-trickier-than-you-might-think/}}\
Why firefox is so miserable at scrolling: \
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://kb.mozillazine.org/Scrolling_is_slow"}}{\fldrslt \cf0 http://kb.mozillazine.org/Scrolling_is_slow}}\

\fs24 \cf0 My hosting recommendation: NearlyFreeSpeech \

\fs26 \cf0 \