Redmine plugin to allow pasting an image from the clipboard into the comment box on the form
- AleksdemSARamenskoe, Moscow
- archonwangShanghai, China
- box789Moscow
- davidboucheOniti
- DirtyHao
- dm-alekseev
- dpashkevich
- drexlmaDBE Academy GmbH
- duststorm@octinion
- excceed
- gregal
- grplyler
- hrchuThe HEART of ASIA
- hriekehofSoftware Development Engineer at Adobe
- jcppkkkTaipei
- jtwang99
- lmdsplmdsp
- ma7cbestenNuremberg Area, Germany
- macatapichonyTag Labs
- maddieShenzhen, China
- MiRacLe-RPZ
- misha-tgshvWIM.Agency
- mousonTaipei, Taiwan
- msslavaExpress 42
- my2817
- notlaughingzzm
- owentTencent
- phsin
- rosenfelde-Core
- s-mokrushinSoftdreams Studio
- SimonK99
- snowwindwaverider
- taikiiJapan
- tracydemery36
- xophiix@Tencent
- yuuhheChina