
A jabber bot using python-jabberbot to remind users to log their time

Primary LanguagePython


Redmine Jabberbot looks at the time entires tables and nags users for not entering their time

Per user customizable thresholds as well. The bot is configured to nag in a XMPP chatroom so everyone can see, but can report debug messages to one user.

(14:06:00) credilbot: metalman, bubbleman, flashman have not logged time in the last 4 hours


monthlyObjectives messages a user privately (via XMPP) to give the number of hours needed to bill today to reach a monthly objectives. See https://github.com/credil/redmine_jabberbot/blob/master/doc/monthlyOjbectives.md


Chitra is keeps tabs on hour banks. It calculates the number of hours billed since a specified begin date and calculates if the redmine user is ahead or behind. Results are sent by email, not XMPP.