Creed's Dotfiles

These files are for setting up my machines. Please dont use them except to just test my setup out. I make no gurantees about them.


After trying out a few different forms of dotfile management, I actually settled on chezmoi (for now). I gave nix a try for awhile and also dotbot, and very briefly some others including my own scripts. I actually tried and decided against chezmoi awhile back, but tried it out again recently and decided it was a good balance of the things I wanted my dotfiles manager to do.

Make sure to read the chezmoi docs, but to get started really quick, you can just run:

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply creedasaurus

This downloads the latest chezmoi, then clones this git repo to the directory ~/.local/share/chezmoi and then begins the installation of brew packages, and applying dotfiles.


Right now I only have a basic distinction of configs between my Macbook Pro and Linux. You'll find that a few of my configs are *.tmpl, which are Go template files, and chezmoi has a few basic functions to check for the platform type so I can change what is output.


{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}
{{ end }}