
A pure JavaScript Carousel/Slider plugin that works well at Mobile/PC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A pure JavaScript Carousel/Slider plugin that works well at Mobile/PC.

Getting Started

This plugin wrote in pure JavaScript and has no dependencies like jQuery.

Install the plugin via bower

bower install zSlider --save

Once the plugin has been installed, you can use it easily:



You can just generate a slider with one line:

var slider = new Slider('#slider1', '.z-slide-item');
<div class="z-slide-wrap top" id='slider1'>
    <ul class="z-slide-content">
        <li class="z-slide-item"></li>
        <li class="z-slide-item"></li>
        <li class="z-slide-item"></li>


When init with new Slider(container, slideItems, option);, a optional config can be used. What can be config?

var option = {
    'current': 0, // which to show when init
    'duration': 0.8, // animation duration, seconds
    'minPercentToSlide': null, // percent to decide to slide
    'autoplay': true, // autoplay?
    'direction': 'left', // autoplay direction
    'interval': 5 // seconds

Usage Examples

There is a built-in demo:

git clone git@github.com:creeperyang/zSlider.git
cd zSlider
npm install
grunt serve

Release History

2015-04-30    v0.0.1    init


Copyright (c) 2015 creeperyang. Licensed under the MIT license.