
Collection of my work on the 100DaysOfSwiftUI Challenge by Paul Hudson

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100 Days Of SwiftUI Challenge by Paul Hudson -> https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/swiftui

  • Day 1
  • Variables.
  • Strings and integers.
  • Multi-line strings.
  • Doubles and booleans.

  • Day 2
  • String interpolation.
  • Constants.
  • Checkpoint 1

  • Day 3
  • Arrays
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Enums

  • Day 4
  • Type Annotations
  • Checkpoint 2

  • Day 5
  • If
  • Switch
  • Ternary operator

  • Day 6
  • Loops
  • Summary
  • Checkpoint 3

  • Day 7
  • functions
  • parameters
  • return values

  • Day 8
  • default values
  • throwing functions
  • checkpoint 4

  • Day 9
  • closures
  • passing functions into functions
  • checkpoint 5

  • Day 10
  • structs
  • computed properties
  • property observers

  • Day 11
  • access control
  • static properties
  • methods
  • checkpoint 6

  • Day 12
  • classes
  • inheritance
  • checkpoint 7

  • Day 13
  • protocols
  • extensions
  • checkpoint 8