Creol GSNv2 Relayer repo
This docker is the main image to start a relay server.
This is a docker-compose configuration for loading relay instances and supporting modules.
It is a docker-compose instance, which contains the docker-compose.yml configuration file in it. It accept all docker-compose subcommands.
use the "rdc" wrapper script to launch,
rdc up -d
It handles HTTP certificate, and routing to internal relay server(s). By default, it contains a single jsrelay instance named "gsn1" pointing to the RelayHub.
To view its log do:
rdc logs -d gsn1
When an upgrade is requried (to the relayer server or to RelayHub), then all is needed is
to pull the latest version of this "opengsn/relaydc", and then
rdc up -d
It is built with upgradeability in mind: as we deploy new contracts, a relay server should be able to support new version, while keep supporting requests on the old deployment.
- should
- global configuration shared by all relay instances (sample configuration is in config-sample folder)- all data is kept in "gsndata" folder - both server keys and temporary data. you can back up this folder to restore the server on another machine.