
Running on Linux

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I am trying to run this on linux without a Pi can you please help me with how to compile this I am really new to Linux and think I am making some mistake.

I think you should try original gps-sdr-sim, if you haven't tried yet.

I have tried it and works fine.
I don't understand how you turn on the webui for extracting the lat. longs

Original gps-sdr-sim has -l option which reads static Lat/Lon from command line. I modified the code to read Lat/Lon from a file when you specify a file name instead of static Lat/Lon.

I understand the concept but am unable to open the web ui

can you tell me how to open the web ui

You need to have WWW server such as apache2 on the same PC running modified gps-sdr-sim and hackrf-transfer. And follow

ok thanks i will try and let you know

I configured everything like it said in the link but which file do I run to start the webui

Just access the WWW server you set up using browser chrome.

I access it but the ui doesn't open instead it just shows text
Screenshot from 2019-07-19 20-25-34

if it isn't too much trouble could you please list the steps I should follow to get it working
I added the API and updated the directories but still nothing

I got the map to work and ran the simulation but now for some reason it does not use the interactive mode just shows static mode and transmits some weird location

The latlon.txt is not being generated

Well, it may file's permission issue. Can you send me directory list of WWW server. ls -l

really sorry but I don't know how to do it

'ls -l' is one of the basic Linux command. On terminal , type something like "ls -l /var/www/html" .

Here is the list

Screenshot from 2019-07-20 03-54-18

You have to get administrator authority, '$ sudo -s'
Then, '# chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/webui/*'

still nothing, I can't find any place where LatLong.txt is being created

Check content of LatLon.ini.php.

LatLon.ini.php says that the file is in \tmp but there was no file there

Till now I have setup the server and map is working fine but the lat longs are not being saved

When you click somewhere in the map, the center of the map changes accordingly ?

yes the center moves and marker is placed

How about /var/www/html/webui/LatLon.txt ?
It should contain Lat/Lon where you clicked and update every time you clicked.

there is no LatLon.txt file

You can check WWW server log in /var/log/apache2/error.log
Is there any error message in that file ?

There are a few error messages

Screenshot from 2019-07-20 06-38-44

As far as I can tell from error.log, you installed related files in /var/www/html/ but not /var/www/html/webui/. Is that correct ?
The 4th line of error.log tells it failed because lack of permission.

How do I give more permission and also now the map has stopped loading

Tell me first, where is the installed directory ?


It is odd. error.log is pointing /var/www/html/LatLon.txt.

how was I suppose to install directory?

Install directory does not matter. It must be just consistent through installation and operation.
Can you show the result of "ls -l /var/www/html "

also now map is not initializing properly

Screenshot from 2019-07-20 07-07-51

Well, I suggest you find nearby friend who can figure out the meaning of error.log. The error.log is telling couple of other errors too . Anyway, thank you for your interest of WALB project.

Thanks for all the help

one last thing can you show me a picture of LatLon.txt I would like to see how the data is presented in the file

I will post again if something I came up with.

LatLon.txx is one line simple TEXT file something like below.

LatLon.txt is updating successfully now Thank You so much

now which gps-sim-sdr should I run gps-sdr-sim or gps-sdr-sim_x64

gps-sim-sdr is for raspberry Pi, gps-sdr-sim_x64 is for intel x64 processor.

In the video when you run it gps-sdr-sim it says interactive mode but when I do it, it says static mode

and also how do you start compiling and transmission simultaneously

Naming has history. Is been more than 3 years from initial post. I added interactive function on static location mode of original gps-sdr-sim. I don't understand your question "how do you start compiling and transmission simultaneously" .

or are you transmitting it through GNURadio?

When I use the file LatLong.txt to get latitude longitude it doesn't pick them from there rather it just sends 0.00000,0.0000

can you please tell me why this would happen?

Sorry, I have no idea.

for transmission instead of hackrf_transfer are you transferring fifo.bin from GNU Radio??

I don't use GNU Radio in this project. When you click SimStart button on Web screen, script start2.php is triggered which start hackrf_transfer , gps-sdr-sim and so on.