
Open source javascript music streaming web app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Test Workflow

Test Workflow Cypress.io

React Test Coverage

React Test Coverage Branches

React Test Coverage Functions

React Test Coverage Lines

React Test Coverage Statements

About the Application

Qasong provides an alternate user interface for listening to music from youtube.

This project is currently under development and is scheduled for it's first release on December 20th, 2020.


Join us on Discord

Qasong Team Discord

Production URL

Qasong Web App

Alternate URLs provided by our cloud host

Alternate URL 1

Alternate URL 2

Frontend-only development

enter the frontend folder

cd frontend

install dependencies

npm i

start react frontend

npm start

the frontend should be live in dev mode at localhost:8080

Backend-only development

install dependencies

npm i

start the server in dev mode

npm run dev:server

the server will be available at localhost:3016

this will only enable the api. if you want to see the frontend served by the server, you'll need to compile the frontend

npm run build

Full development environment

install all packages and start both front and backend in dev mode

npm run dev

the frontend should be live at localhost:8080 the backend will be available at localhost:3016

note: the frontend is currently hardwired to communicate with the production api. To see your backend changes in the frontend, you'll need to change the url in functions.js. you should find the development url there commented out.


please make a pull request to the develop branch of this repo

for assistance working with this repo, contact us on discord discord or ping a contributer in an Issue.