
An alternative approach to writing and testing Riemann configs

Primary LanguageClojure

PoC embedded Riemann instance with testable config

Running tests against Riemann config is slow. It's not Riemann's fault, it's the JVM's. The goal of this sample project is to demonstrate how you can treat your Riemann config as you would a standard lein project, allowing you to test your config with lein test and therefore also use your choice of plugins (such as prism or lein-test-refresh) to speed up the iterative testing process.

The riemann.test/tap and riemann.test/io macros are not supported. They require a dynamic variable (riemann.test/*testing*) to be set to true at the time the code under test is loaded. A major goal of this PoC is to find a way to make these macros work within the lein test framework, or to find an alternative way of structuring Riemann code so they aren't required. The initial focus will be on the latter.

The best way to understand the flow of tests in here is to take a look at the rewrites-streams-rate test in test/rtp/sources/riemann_test.clj, which I've annotated.


For dev purposes:

lein run

For production purposes (guessing, here; haven't done this, yet)

lein uberjar
java -jar target/riemann-test-prototype-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar


reloading is disabled

required code doesn't appear to get reloaded by Riemann on a SIGHUP. rtp.bin/-main copies the important bits of riemann.bin/-main in order to load the config and get the core running, but all reloading magic is left behind.


  • I'm a Clojure newbie
  • I'm a Leiningen newbie
  • My coding style is not idiomatic Clojure or lisp, but I don't have to count closing parens as often
  • There are probably many things in here that run counter to aphyr's intentions
  • I don't even know if this works for me, yet