Helpers to work with metricbeat 8 standalone templates. The scripts expect a running elasticsearch (:9200) and kibana (:5601). the kibana basepath can be changed in ./api.js to target your local instance

npm run generate-templates Generates a template for each SM product and writes them to the ./templates directory. This won't work with kibana 8.0 out of the box. 8.0 queries{package}&experimental=true&kibana.version=8.0.0 which seems broken ? To make this work either generate templates against main branch or update kibana to query{package}&experimental=true

npm run push-templates Creates the local templates in elasticsearch

npm run delete-templates Deletes the templates and associated datastreams in elasticsearch

npm run print-delta Note: works against an elastic-package stack

Prints a package mapping delta with its metricbeat counterpart.

options: --package (elasticsearch|kibana|logstash) - the package to diff

--no-assets - don't install the package in Fleet

--use-local - use the local metricbeat mappings under ./properties instead of the one installed in the currently running ES