AGRONOMY - ITS PROJECT REST API for recieving farmer details list of services: *villages list /villagelist

*village name lookup with id /villagelookup/:villageid Returns a json with the following elements: success < - true if lookup is successfull false if it failed village_name <- village name of id lookup .... Only available if lookup is successfull

	####   PROFIT/LOSS ####

*average profit of all villages /profit/all return json with the following elements: success: true if person id found false if failed rest of the json will only be available if success is true profts: an array of json objects containing followin info: date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy profit : profit gained during this period

*profit of a single village /profit/village/:villageid return json with the following elements: success: true if village id found false if failed rest of the json will only be available if success is true profts: an array of json objects containing followin info: date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy profit : profit gained during this period

*profit of a particular person /profit/person/:personid return json with the following elements: success: true if person id found false if failed rest of the json will only be available if success is true profts: an array of json objects containing followin info: date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy profit : profit gained during this period


*Crop cultivated average /cropcultivated/all return json with the following elements: crops: an array of json objects containing followin info: date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy crop_cultivated : crop cultivated in that period area : area that crop was cultivated

*Crop cultivated by a particular village /cropcultivated/village/:villageid return json with the following elements: crops: an array of json objects containing followin info: villageid : village id date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy crop_cultivated : crop cultivated in that period area : area that crop was cultivated

*Crop cultivated by a particular person /cropcultivated/person/:username return json with the following elements: crops: an array of json objects containing followin info: username: username date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy crop_cultivated : crop cultivated in that period area : area that crop was cultivated

	####   		PEST 		#####

*Average loss by pests /pests/all return json with the following elements: pests: an array of json objects containing followin info: date : date the pest was recorded in the format mm-yyyy pest_name : pest name loss : loss made by that pest

*Average loss by pests in a particular village /pests/village/:villageid return json with the following elements: pests: an array of json objects containing followin info: villageid : village id date : date the profit was recorded in the format mm-yyyy pest_name : pest name loss : loss made by that pest in INR

*Loss by pests for a particular user /pests/person/:username return json with the following elements: pests: an array of json objects containing following info: username: username date : date the loss was recorded in the format mm-yyyy pest_name : pest name loss : loss made by that pest in INR


*Average land distribution /land/all return json with the following elements: lands: an array of json objects containing followin info: date : date the land distribution was recorded in the format mm-yyyy land_type : land type area : area of that type

Average land distribution in a village /land/village/:villageid return json with the following elements: land: an array of json objects containing followin info: villageid : village id date : date the land distribution was recorded in the format mm-yyyy land_type : pest name area : area of that type

*Land Distribution of a particular user /land/person/:username return json with the following elements: land: an array of json objects containing following info: username: username date : date the loss was recorded in the format mm-yyyy land_type : pest name area : area of that type















