
Code to reproduce onebeyond/rascal#156


  1. update adhoc/rmq-publisher.js to provide password of RMQ user
  2. run npm install
  3. run DEBUG=rascal:* node adhoc/rmq-publisher.js
  4. restart AMQ cluster (see howto section below)
  5. wait for the cluster to get restarted indicated by
Handling connection error: Connection closed: 320 (CONNECTION-FORCED) with message "CONNECTION_FORCED - broker forced connection closure with reason 'shutdown'" initially from connection: 2e494af6-b83c-4253-8f2c-3ba62aab109d, amqps://rascal:*** +7s
RabbitBroker (rascal) - error Error: Connection closed: 320 (CONNECTION-FORCED) with message "CONNECTION_FORCED - broker forced connection closure with reason 'shutdown'

(tested with Node.js v14.16.0)

HOWTO restart Amazon MQ cluster

You need to have AWS CLI v2:

  1. configure new AWS profile by executing aws configure --profile rascal-test

  2. enter AKIARBZZQR2HDJWZZZIB as access key

  3. enter access secret (for AWS CLI)

  4. enter us-west-2 as region

  5. leave Default output format empty

  6. use new AWS profile to restart AMQ cluster: aws --profile rascal-test mq reboot-broker --broker-id b-f6fe758b-07f7-4afa-b0ae-302212d604c3

  7. it takes a few minutes (~5mins) for cluster to fully restart