
Project for the University of Bologna - Web Technologies course (a.y. 2021-22)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Animal House



To install all the needed packages do

npm i
yarn setup



To start the db container run

yarn db

To stop it run

yarn db:down

Note: you will find an handy mongo-express GUI at http://localhost:8081.

API and Backoffice

To compile and start the server run

yarn server

it will start the server for the apis and the backoffice.


To run the frontoffice React project in dev mode simply run

yarn front


To run the game vue project in dev mode simply run

yarn game


To run all the projects in dev mode rum

yarn all

Build and production mode

To build all the sub-projects run

yarn build

and to start then in production mode run

yarn start

to build only a specific project run

yarn build:server
yarn build:front
yarn build:game


To format all the sub-projects run

yarn format