Custom Shell Implementation

This project is a custom shell implementation in C, which provides a simplistic command line interface. It provides both built-in commands and system utility commands. The inspiration for this project arose from my interest in the Linux Operating System and, therefore, the Unix command line.

Building the Project

To build the project, run the script (ensure you have a C compiler, like gcc, installed):





  • Built-in commands:
    • exit: Exit the shell
    • echo: Print text to the console
    • type: Display information about command type
    • pwd: Print working directory
    • cd: Change directory
    • history: Display command history
  • Execution of system utilities (ls, grep, kill,..)
  • Command history management

You'll be presented with a prompt ($) where you can enter commands.

Example commands:

$ pwd
$ echo Hello, World!
Hello, World!
$ cd /tmp
$ history

Implementation Details

  • Uses the readline library for improved input handling
  • Implements a hash table for efficient built-in command lookup
  • Utilizes system calls like fork(), execv(), and chdir() for command execution and directory navigation
  • Manages command history with a maximum of 1000 entries