Override Session Provider to create custom cookies
UnderratedNorf opened this issue · 0 comments
I want to create my own JWT tokens after receiving the assertion. How can I override the SessionProvider?
func CustomSessionProvider(opts Options) CookieSessionProvider {
return CookieSessionProvider{
Name: "splunkbase_test",
Domain: opts.URL.Host,
MaxAge: defaultSessionMaxAge,
HTTPOnly: true,
Secure: opts.URL.Scheme == "https",
SameSite: opts.CookieSameSite,
Codec: DefaultSessionCodec(opts),
// Initialize SAML middleware
samlSP, _ := samlsp.New(samlsp.Options{
URL: *rootURL,
Key: keyPair.PrivateKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey),
Certificate: keyPair.Leaf,
IDPMetadata: idpMetadata,
customSession := CustomSessionProvider(Options{
URL: *rootURL,
Key: keyPair.PrivateKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey),
Certificate: keyPair.Leaf,
IDPMetadata: idpMetadata,
samlSP.Session = customSession
Error : cannot use customSession (variable of type CookieSessionProvider) as samlsp.SessionProvider value in assignment: CookieSessionProvider does not implement samlsp.SessionProvider (wrong type for method GetSession) have GetSession(r *http.Request) (Session, error) want GetSession(r *http.Request) (samlsp.Session, error)
I have copied the session_cookie.go, session_jwt.go and session.go into my project just to see how to override the session provider for the middleware. Not sure what the correct approach is. I want to create my own tokens and put custom assertion data into it, instead of the default.