
Professional ML Engineer Certification resources

Professional ML Engineer Certification resources

A Professional Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, and productionizes ML models to solve business challenges using Google Cloud technologies and knowledge of proven ML models and techniques. The ML Engineer considers responsible AI throughout the ML development process, and collaborates closely with other job roles to ensure long-term success of models. The ML Engineer should be proficient in all aspects of model architecture, data pipeline interaction, and metrics interpretation. The ML Engineer needs familiarity with foundational concepts of application development, infrastructure management, data engineering, and data governance. Through an understanding of training, retraining, deploying, scheduling, monitoring, and improving models, the ML Engineer designs and creates scalable solutions for optimal performance.

Certification documents

Tips and planing

  • Deep understand of ML

  • Deep dive of algorithms

  • The above is the base to implements and deliver a production ready ML system

  • Communication and business acumen, to understand the client needs and be able do like a daily interactions, proper design choices

  • good prototyping, there are a lot of innovative ideas and how to effectively manage the process from the ideation to execution and be able to quickly build a prototype to establish initial value for the business that is really important

  • how to translate the business problem into a machine learning one, and also detect what kind of problem can be solve with ML and what not

  • understand the engineer part of the end-to-end solution


Other services



Data Science Google Cloud Platform This hands-on guide shows developers entering the data science field how to implement an end-to-end data pipeline, using statistical and machine learning methods and tools on GC

Machine-Learning-Design-Patterns-Preparation The design patterns in this book capture best practices and solutions to recurring problems in machine learning.

Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide The Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide, provides everything you need to prepare for this important exam and master the skills necessary to land that coveted Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification.

