
Test driving Golang frameworks

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Go HTTP frameworks test drive

Full list Awesome-Go

  • Beego - beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
  • Bone - Lightning Fast HTTP Multiplexer.
  • chi - Small, fast and expressive HTTP router built on net/context.
  • Echo - A fast and unfancy micro web framework for Go.
  • Gin - Gin is a web framework written in Go! It features a martini-like API with much better performance, up to 40 times faster. If you need performance and good productivity.
  • Gizmo - Microservice toolkit used by the New York Times.
  • Glue - Robust Go and Javascript Socket Library (Alternative to Socket.io).
  • go-json-rest - A quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API.
  • go-kit - A Microservice toolkit with support for service discovery, load balancing, pluggable transports, request tracking, etc.
  • go-relax - A framework of pluggable components to build RESTful API's.
  • go-rest - A small and evil REST framework for Go.
  • go-socket.io - socket.io library for golang, a realtime application framework.
  • goa - Framework for developing microservices based on the design of Ruby's Praxis.
  • Goat - A minimalistic REST API server in Go.
  • gocraft/web - A mux and middleware package in Go.
  • Goji - Goji is a minimalistic and flexible HTTP request multiplexer with support for net/context.
  • Golf - Golf is a fast, simple and lightweight micro-web framework for Go. It comes with powerful features and has no dependencies other than the Go Standard Library.
  • golongpoll - HTTP longpoll server library that makes web pub-sub simple.
  • Gondola - The web framework for writing faster sites, faster
  • goose - Server Sent Events in Go
  • Gorilla - Gorilla is a web toolkit for the Go programming language.
  • httprouter - A high performance router. Use this and the standard http handlers to form a very high performance web framework.
  • httptreemux - High-speed, flexible tree-based HTTP router for Go. Inspiration from httprouter.
  • Iris - A very minimal but flexible and high-performance golang web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building web applications.
  • lars - Is a lightweight, fast and extensible zero allocation HTTP router for Go used to create customizable frameworks.
  • Macaron - Macaron is a high productive and modular design web framework in Go.
  • mango - Mango is a modular web-application framework for Go, inspired by Rack, and PEP333.
  • medeina - Medeina is a HTTP routing tree based on HttpRouter, inspired by Roda and Cuba.
  • mux - A powerful URL router and dispatcher for golang.
  • neo - Neo is minimal and fast Go Web Framework with extremely simple API.
  • ozzo-routing - A high-performance HTTP router and Web framework supporting routes with regular expressions. Comes with full support for quickly building a RESTful API application.
  • pat - Sinatra style pattern muxer for Go’s net/http library, by the author of Sinatra.
  • Resoursea - A REST framework for quickly writing resource based services.
  • REST Layer - A framework to build REST/GraphQL API on top of databases with mostly configuration over code.
  • Revel - A high-productivity web framework for the Go language.
  • rex - Rex is a library for modular development built upon gorilla/mux, fully compatible with net/http.
  • sawsij - lightweight, open-source web framework for building high-performance, data-driven web applications.
  • Siesta - Composable framework to write middleware and handlers
  • tango - Micro & pluggable web framework for Go.
  • tigertonic - A Go framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard
  • traffic - Sinatra inspired regexp/pattern mux and web framework for Go.
  • VarHandler - Generate boilerplate http input and ouput handling.
  • vestigo - A performant, stand-alone, HTTP compliant URL Router for go web applications.
  • Volatile - Minimalist middleware stack promoting flexibility, good practices and clean code.
  • web.go - A simple framework to write webapps in Go.
  • xmux - A high performance muxer based on httprouter with net/context support.
  • Zerver - Zerver is an expressive, modular, feature completed RESTful framework.
  • zeus - A very simple and fast HTTP router for Go.