
Sleight-of-hand (soh) CLI tool

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

soh (sleight-of-hand)


Sleight of hand, or soh, is a command line tool that handles a lot of common tasks for developers. For the most part, it offers a convenient command line interface to a lot of standard library operations, such as base64 encoding, creating datetime strings, fetching system information, uuid generation, etc.


To install soh, run brew install crflynn/formula/soh


The entry point for all commands is

$ soh
soh (sleight-of-hand) 0.2.0
Sleight of hand CLI commands.

(+) indicates subcommand group. Use `soh -c` to copy output
of subcommand to clipboard.


    -c, --clip        Copy output of subcommand to clipboard
    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -s, --suppress    Suppress console output of subcommand
    -V, --version     Prints version information

    b64        (+) Base64 encode/decode
    create     (+) Create files
    dt         (+) Datetimes
    epoch      (+) Epoch time
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    secret     (+) Generate secrets
    sys        (+) System information
    uuid       Generate UUIDs
    version    Show soh version

To get help on any command use the -h or --help flag.

$ soh uuid -h
soh-uuid 0.2.0
Generate UUIDs

    soh uuid [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help     Prints help information
    -u, --upper    To upper case

    -n, --name <name>              UUID v3/5 name
    -s, --namespace <namespace>    UUID v3/5 namespace (dns, oid, url, or x500)
    -v, --version <version>        UUID version (1, 3, 4, 5) default 4

To copy the execution output of most commands to clipboard, use the -c or --clip command.

$ soh -c uuid
c64af300-8895-4dff-b005-15dcd4c72f24 (copied to clipboard 📋)