
A simple django app to publish to Treesaver articles and manage article grids

Primary LanguagePython

WARNING: This repo is no longer maintained.

If you're looking for a great way to format and columnize content on the web, you should have a look at Paprless.



djTreesaver is a plugin Django app that makes publishing content to Treesaver.js quick and easy. It includes all the required models, views, and templates for creating a Treesaver publication. It even allows you to upload epub files and automatically convert them into Treesaver documents.


django :: https://www.djangoproject.com/
BeautifulSoup :: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
PIL :: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
Sass :: http://sass-lang.com/


  1. Copy the djTreesaver directory into your Django Project.

  2. Make sure MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL are set correctly in your settings.py file. djTreesaver will create 3 sub directories here to store uploaded files: epubs, grids, and images. epubs stores uploaded epub files. grids stores uploaded article grid html files and the associated Sass file. images contains image files that are linked to an article.

  3. Add djTreesaver to your installed apps tuple

  4. Add the djTreesaver urls file to your urls.py file

     urlpatterns = patterns('',    
         # djTreesaver
         (r'^treesaver/', include('djTreesaver.urls')),
  5. From the Django Admin Site, upload a Treesaver grid by using the DjTreesaver -> Grids form. You can use one of the example grids in the djTreesaver/example_grids/ directory. You can read more about grids here: http://treesaverjs.com/


Converting an Epub

From the Django Admin Site, upload an epub to DjTreesaver -> Epub form. Select a publication to categorize the epub. For example, if you upload Minority Report by Philip K. Dick, you might want to select a publication called Science Fiction or Classics. If the Epub is an issue of a periodical, the publication should be the name of the periodical.

Once the epub is uploaded and saved, you'll find issue in DjTreesaver -> Issue's. Take note of the issue's primary key and navigate to /treesaver/issue/<pk>/, for example, /treesaver/issue/1/.

Manually creating an issue

Manually creating a Treesaver issue is almost as easy as uploading an epub:

from djTreesaver.models import Image, Publication, Issue, Article
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

haxor_monthly = Publication(name="Haxor Monthly")

july_cover = Image()
july_cover.image.save('/some/dir/tory/', ContentFile(file_object.read()))
july_cover.alt = "Alt Text"
july_cover.title = "Title Text"

july_issue = Issue()
july_issue.title = "Awesomeness"
july_issue.uuid = "0000-0000-0000-0000"
july_issue.publication = haxor_monthly
july_issue.cover = july_cover

an_image = Image()
an_image.image.save('/some/dir/tory/', ContentFile(file_object.read()))
an_image.alt = "Alt Text"
an_image.title = "Title Text"

an_article = Article()
an_article.title = "Hello World"
an_article.slug = "hello-world"
an_article.author = "Craig Weber"
an_article.issue = july_issue
an_article.content = article_html_content_string
an_article.images.add(an_image)  # ManyToManyField

# Link to the issue like this
issue_url = reverse('djTreesaver.views.view_issue', kwargs={'issue':july_issue.pk,})


Thanks to Filipe Fortes and Bram Stein for Treesaver :: http://treesaverjs.com/

Seasons is created and developed by Scott Kellum in collaboration with the Treesaver team :: http://treesaver.net/