
Twitter & Facebook integration for Django! This is a standalone app that can be installed in your Django project to allow existing users to add Twitter or Facebook credentials to their account, as well as allowing new users to register using their Twitter/Facebook accounts. Also included are standard Twitter & Facebook API's to allow you to post status updates and tweets, set/get profile data, get profile images, etc.

Primary LanguagePython

#Installation Instructions

  1. Copy the django_tweet directory into you Django project

  2. Edit settings.py to include:

     TARGET_HOST = 'localhost:8000'    # Replace localhost:8000 with your domain
         ...                           # Other Installed Apps before or after
         'devproject.django_tweet',    # Replace devproject with your project name
  3. Add this to your urls.py

     # Django Tweet
     (r'^twitter/', include('django_tweet.urls')),
  4. Edit django_tweet/settings.py to fit your prefs:

     AUTH_REDIRECT = '/'           # Location to Redirect to after successful auth
     APP_URL_PREFIX = 'twitter'    # URL Prefix set for django_tweet.urls
     ALLOW_STAFF = True            # Allow Staff to Auth with Twitter
     ALLOW_NON_STAFF = True        # Allow Non-Staff to Auth with Twitter
  5. Create django_tweet/keys.py and fill in your API keys like this:

  6. Run ./manage.py syncdb to create django_tweet's tables


Right now these are the working functions.

  • /twitter/add_twitter Send Users here to OAuth with Twitter. They must be logged in with Django's Auth system
  • /twitter/twitter_login Send anonymous users to create a new account / login via their Twitter account.
  • /twitter/twitter_post Direct POST forms here with update="....." to post updates to twitter. If the user hasn't auth'd yet, they get sent to /twitter/twitter_login
  • /twitter/twitter_form A very rough testing only update form. Shows some basic user info and enables posting updates
  • /twitter/add_facebook Send Users here to OAuth with Facebook. They must be logged in with Django's Auth system
  • /twitter/facebook_login Send anonymous users to create a new account / login via their Facebook account.

To gain access to the Twitter/Facebook API for a user after they have auth'd do something like this: def view_foo(request): # The model pickles & caches profile data, so you don't have to worry about overloading the api twitter_profile = request.user.twitter.get_profile_data() facebook_profile = request.user.facebook.get_profile_data()

		# You can manually refresh profile data.  Otherwise, get_profile_data() does it every 7 days
		# Get the Raw API
        twitter_api = request.user.twitter.api()
		facebook_api = request.user.facebook.api()
        # Post Something
		twitter_api.PostUpdates("Isn\'t Django Tweet Awesome?!")
		facebook_api.put_wall_post("Isn\'t Django Tweet Awesome?!")

For Usage on the actualy API's, please visit: