
Simple JS reader app

Primary LanguageCSS

Omnibus Reader

An online Bible reading application

Live Development Build

Omnibus on Github Pages


Project generated using Yeoman and generator-zf5


  • Sass compiling
  • Publishing to dist directory
  • Server with LiveReload (
  • JSHint
  • Font Awesome
  • Jetzt (speed reading)

Jetzt Speed Reading Usage

Control is currently keyboard-only.

  • Initiate jetzt by pressing alt-s and clicking on the block of text you wish to read. Alternatively, select some text before pressing alt-s.

  • Change size with +/-.

  • Go faster/slower with up/down arrow keys.

  • Go back/forward a sentence with left/right arrow keys (hold alt to navigate by paragraphs).

  • Pause with space.

  • Close with escape.

  • Switch between light/dark themes with 0

  • Toggle summary stats with / or ? at the end of a run

Grunt tasks:

..for validating javascript

$ grunt validate-js

..for compiling files

$ grunt build

..for watching (Sass, Server on with LiveReload)

$ grunt

..for publishing project (dist directory)

$ grunt publish

..for dist directory preview (server on

$ grunt server-dist

Created by

  • Kevin Muncie
  • Joshua Steelman
  • Ruben Luna
  • Jonathan James
  • Evan Yu
  • Craig Weber