
Linting and release standardization used by most or all our repos

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Silvermine Standardization Utilities

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This repo aggregates many of the standards we use when developing our software, including:

  • Release process standardization
  • Markdown linting
  • SASS linting
  • Commit message linting
  • Editor configuration

Notably, we have extensive JavaScript and TypeScript linting that is not included in this repo. See @silvermine/eslint-config and @silvermine/eslint-plugin for those standards. They are not part of this repo because of specific naming requirements for providing Eslint config and plugins.


As a team, we value consistency and automated enforcement of standards. This makes it much easier for new developers on the team or individual external contributors to be able to write code that looks and feels like the rest of our codebases. It also plays into our automation since standardization is important when you're maintaining many dozens of repos.


SASS Linting

Add the following command to your Gruntfile.js, register the grunt-stylelint plugin, and add the stylelint command to the standards task:

stylelint: {
   options: {
      configFile: './node_modules/@silvermine/standardization/.stylelintrc.yml',
   src: './path/to/scss/source/**/*.scss',

// Register grunt-stylelint like so:

// Then include the command along with `grunt standards`
grunt.registerTask('standards', [ 'stylelint' ]);


EditorConfig provides a default set of editor configuration values to use in Silvermine projects.

Symlink the .editorconfig file to the root of your project and use the appropriate extension for your editor:

ln -s ./node_modules/@silvermine/standardization/.editorconfig


  • Add a file called commitlint.config.js to your project root with the following content:
'use strict';

module.exports = {
   extends: [ '@silvermine/standardization/commitlint.js' ],
  • Use git log --oneline to find the short hash of the previous commit and take note of it
  • Add the following NPM script to package.json:

"commitlint": "commitlint --from deadbeef" (where deadbeef is the short hash from the previous step)

  • Configure .gitlab-ci.yml or .travis.yml to run npm run commitlint before running npm test


Add the following configuration to your Gruntfile.js, register the task, and add the markdownlint task to the standards command:

// Inside initConfig...
markdownlint: {
   all: {
      src: [ './path/to/markdown/file.md' ],
      options: {
         config: grunt.file.readJSON('.markdownlint.json'),

// Register the task:

// Add the command to `grunt standards`:
grunt.registerTask('standards', [ 'markdownlint' ]);

TODO: fill in details and examples here.


This software is released under the MIT license. See the license file for more details.