
simple command-line podcast fetcher

Primary LanguageClojureBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


fetch_podcast is a command-line tool for fetching podcasts. Unlike many similar tools, fetch_podcast allows the user to specify names for the downloaded files. It is written in clojure and uses the leiningen build system.


$ git clone https://github.com/crhalpin/fetch_podcast.git
$ cd fetch_podcast
$ lein uberjar
$ cp target/uberjar/fetch_podcast-${VERSION}-standalone.jar ${SOMEWHERE}


$ java -jar ${SOMEWHERE}/fetch_podcast-${VERSION}-standalone.jar Opts FeedsOrEpisodes

When run with no arguments, fetch_podcast will download any new episodes from all configured feeds.


  • -v : Verbose mode. Specify twice for more detail.

  • -c : Catch up on podcasts, without downloading them (i.e., mark all read).

  • -n NUM : Maximum number of episodes to download. When not specified, all avaiable new episodes are downloaded.

  • -d : Dry-run, not downloading anything nor marking it read.

  • -e : Download specified episodes (rather than specified feeds).

  • -C : Use cached XML feeds, rather than downloading new copies.

  • -i : Reset list of podcasts already downloaded.

  • -F : Force refresh of cached feed XML files.

Getting started

see doc/intro.md


Versions prior to 0.5.4 incorrectly used the 'enclosure' rather than the 'guid' element to determine if an episode had already been downloaded. As a result, changes to the download locations could cause unwanted repeated downloads. This has been remedied, but users upgrading from a newer version will want to 'rm ~/.fetch_podcast/fetchlog.clj' and then run fetch_podcast -c.


Copyright (c) Corey Halpin

Distributed under the 2-Clause BSD license (see LICENSE).