Light & Dark color schemes for Vim terminal editor and gVim
Inspired by Google's Material Design
Improve code readability; great for presentation
Currently designed for these file types: C, C++, Java, Makefile, CMake, Lex/Flex & Yacc/Bison, Bash, VimL, Golang, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, XML, Python, Ruby, Markdown, DTrace, SystemTap, PlantUML, Haskell, Assembly (MIPS, GAS, NASM), SQL/MySQL, Octave/MATLAB, Fortran, R, Pascal, PHP, Perl, LUA, Clojure, Dockerfile, NGINX, Yaml, Dosini, Mail, reStructuredText, Erlang, Elixir, Cucumber
Other file types can still display well as long as your Vim is set up to recognize the language syntax even though that may not be the optimal experience. So, if the language you are working on isn't listed here, feel free to make a design request.
Plugin support: vimdiff, netrw, NERDTree, tagbar, tabline, vim-airline, vim-indent-guides, vim-startify
(see below for syntax-highlighting plugins target)
Place 'PaperColor.vim' file into 'colors' folder within your Vim directory, e.g. ~/.vim/colors/
Or simply use a plugin manager like Vundle (recommended for easy :PluginUpdate
Plugin 'NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme'
Then, put this in your ~/.vimrc
set t_Co=256 " This is may or may not needed.
set background=light
colorscheme PaperColor
Or using the dark version:
set background=dark
colorscheme PaperColor
To switch to dark or light variant during session: :set background=dark
or :set background=light
To quickly toggle between them, use vim-unimpaired's keymap cob
Optional: turn on line numbers and status bar
set number
set laststatus=2
##Highlighting Customization Some elements have default highlighting color that may not fit everyone, and you can customize their HEX color code in your .vimrc file. Refer to 256-color table when choosing color.
Example of currently available options:
let g:PaperColor_Dark_Override = { 'background' : '#1c1c1c', 'cursorline' : '#abcdef', 'matchparen' : '#3a3a3a', 'comment' : '#5f875f' }
let g:PaperColor_Light_Override = { 'background' : '#abcdef', 'cursorline' : '#dfdfff', 'matchparen' : '#d6d6d6' , 'comment' : '#8e908c' }
There are syntax highlighting enhancement plugins that improve upon Vim built-in syntax highlighting, and each can have many different implementations. This is the list of plugins that this color scheme targets.
- C: c-syntax.vim
- JavaScript: vim-javascript
- JSON: vim-json
- Go: vim-go
- DTrace: dtrace-syntax-file
- SystemTap: vim-systemtap
- Haskell: haskell-vim
- PlantUML: plantuml-syntax
- Markdown: vim-markdown
- Assembly MIPS: mips
- Assembly GAS: vim-gas
- Octave/MATLAB: vim-octave
- Python: python-syntax
- Dockerfile: dockerfile.vim
- NGINX: nginx-vim-syntax
- Elixir: vim-elixir
Note: The background of the dark color scheme was brightened a bit to reduce contrast after these following screenshots were taken.
To set vim-airline theme:
let g:airline_theme='PaperColor'
To set lightline theme:
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'PaperColor' }
For more sceenshots, story behind the project, and other users' designs inspired by Paper Color, go to this blog post
Suggestions/Wishes/Questions/Comments are welcome via Github issues or via the blog above.
Material iTerm theme by Christoph Hermann
Material Terminator (terminal emulator) theme by Marco Herrero
Terminal Theme by Fixles
PaperColor Light for iTerm2 by ASeom Han
PaperColor Theme for Vis Editor by Jan Christoph Ebersbach
Airline PaperColor Theme for Emacs Powerline by Anthony DiGirolamo
Airline PaperColor Theme for Vim Lightline
Ninrod's vim + tmux + zsh
dotfiles by Filipe Silva
Feel free to add related projects here!