Python Projects

Training Python projects during multiple days of code

Day 1

Basic stuff reviewing print / input and basic variable string manipulation

Day 2

Variables and stuff

- String "Meow meow" - like other lang. strings can be subscriptd  "String"[0] => S
- Ints 12345  12-345 => 12,345 for US marking
- Float 2.5
- Bool ? True : False
type() => show type
convert int to str =>  my_int_str = str( int )
also other way =>   my_str_int = int(str)   or   float()
Add         +   +=
Remove      -   -=
Multiply    *   *=
Divide      /   /=

Expo        **
  • fStrings to injects vars
score = 100
print(f"Wow your score is {score}")