MacOS is no longer supported by SCRIMMAGE developers. Legacy instructions for building on macOS are left here for any user wishing to experiment on their own, but scrimmage is not guaranteed to build on macOS out of the box. Pull requests for patches are still welcome in scrimmage core, but macOS support will no longer be maintained.
To build scrimmage from source on macOS, you must have command line tools installed. If you have never done so, paste this command into a Terminal prompt and hit enter:
$ xcode-select --install
SCRIMMAGE's dependencies are managed using the Homebrew package manager. To install Homebrew, either follow the instructions on the website, or type the following command into a Terminal prompt:
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Homebrew can be used to easily install all of SCRIMMAGE's dependencies. First, add the SCRIMMAGE homebrew tap. Then install all dependencies:
$ brew tap crichardson332/crich_brews
$ brew install $(brew deps scrimmage)
To list info about the SCRIMMAGE homebrew package or just list depdendencies for SCRIMMAGE:
$ brew info scrimmage
$ brew deps scrimmage
SCRIMMAGE is built with CMake. Clone down the SCRIMMAGE repository and build with the standard CMake commands:
$ git clone
$ cd /path/to/scrimmage/repo
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ source ~/.scrimmage/setup.bash
Run an example SCRIMMAGE sim:
$ cd /path/to/scrimmage/repo
$ scrimmage missions/straight.xml
Tutorials and examples can be found on the SCRIMMAGE website.