
BSON (Binary JSON) reading and writing in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

šŸ¦¬ Bison

BSON (binary JSON) encoding and decoding in Swift.


The swift-bison package features two flavors of BSON document management:

  • BisonRead & BisonWrite: custom APIs designed for flexibility and performance.
  • BisonEncode & BisonDecode: Swift Codable adapters to start working with BSON today.

This project is tested in continuous integration on the following platforms:

  • macOS 11
  • iOS 15
  • tvOS 15
  • watchOS 8
  • ubuntu 20.04
  • Windows Server 2022


You can import this package by adding the following line to your Package.swift dependencies:

.package(url: "https://github.com/crichez/swift-bison", .upToNextMinor("0.0.1"))

Note: versions before 1.0.0 are considered pre-release, and sources-breaking changes may be introduced with a minor version bump. Once the project graduates to 1.0.0, regular semantic versioning rules will apply.


This package is documented using swift-docc. You can build the documentation for a specific module by following instructions at that repository, or read inline documentation for each source file. The following sections give a brief introduction to the most common APIs of each module.


Import the BisonWrite module to compose and encode complex documents using a custom result builder. The following example declares a simple BSON document with conditionals and nesting, then encodes it to an Array of bytes.

import BisonWrite

let ownerDoc = WritableDoc {
    "name" => "Bob Belcher"
    if season8 {
        "age" => Int64(46)
    } else {
        "age" => Int64(45)
    "children" => WritableArray {
.encode(as: [UInt8].self)


Import the BisonRead module to parse and decode documents from raw bytes. The following example parses a document, then extracts select values.

import BisonRead

do {
    // Parse and validate the document.
    let doc = try ReadableDoc(bsonBytes: ownerDoc)
    // Get the "name" value and initialize it as a String.
    guard let nameData = doc["name"] else { return }
    let name = try String(bsonBytes: nameData)
    // Get the "children" nested document and initialize each value.
    guard let childrenData = doc["children"] else { return }
    let childrenDoc = try ReadableDoc(bsonBytes: childrenData)
    for childNameData in childrenDoc.values {
        let childName = try String(bsonBytes: childNameData)
} catch DocError<[UInt8]>.unknownType(let type, let key, let progress) {
    // Handle document parsing errors.
} catch ValueError.sizeMismatch {
    // Handle value parsing errors.

BisonEncode & BisonDecode

Import the BisonEncode & BisonDecode modules to use the BSONEncoder and BSONDecoder types. These expose a similar API to Foundation's JSON encoder and decoder, while still featuring support for custom BSON types through BisonWrite & BisonRead APIs.

import BisonEncode
import BisonDecode
import Foundation

struct Owner: Codable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int64
    let children: [String]

do {
    let owner = Owner(name: "Bob Belcher", age: 46, children: ["Tina", "Louise", "Gene"])
    let encodedOwnerDoc = try BSONEncoder<Data>().encode(owner)
    let decodedOwner = try BSONDecoder().decode(Owner.self, from: encodedOwnerDoc)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch(let requested, let context) {
    // Handle traditional Swift EncodingErrors and DecodingErrors


The ObjectID module includes a full-featured BSON ObjectID implementation.

import ObjectID

// Initialize IDs randomly or from hexadecimal data.
var randomID = ObjectID()
// Use the timestamp property for chronological tracking.
let created: Date = randomID.timestamp
// Use the increment property for version tracking.
let version: Int = randomID.increment
// Easily output hexadecimal strings using custom LosslessStringConvertible conformance
let hexID = String(describing: randomID)