
This is a description of the ARM instruction set, their meanings, and examples of hex encodings.

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Mnemonic Description and examples
ADD R3, R2, R3 = 03 30 82 E0
ADD R2, R2, #1 = 01 20 82 E2
ADD R1, R1, #4 = 04 10 81 E2
ADD SP, SP, #4 = 04 D0 8D E2
AND Logical AND
AND R10, R9, R10 = 0A A0 09 E0
AND R10, R4, R10 = 0A A0 04 E0
AND R11, R11, #0xF8 = F8 B0 0B E2
ANDS R3, R10, #0xFF = FF 30 1A E2
ANDS R3, R0, #0xFF = FF 30 10 E2
B Branch
B = xx xx xx EA (branch)
BEQ = xx xx xx 0A (if zero, Z)
BNE = xx xx xx 1A (if not equal, -Z)
BGE = xx xx xx AA (if greater or equal, NV/-N-V)
BHI = xx xx xx 8A (if higher, -C*-Z)
BLT = xx xx xx BA (if less than, N*-V/-N*V)
BCC = xx xx xx 3A (if carry clear)
BCS = xx xx xx 2A (if carry set)
BPL = xx xx xx 5A
BMI = xx xx xx 4A (if negative, set N)
BLS = xx xx xx 9A (if lower or same, C/Z)
BGT = xx xx xx CA (if greater than, NV-Z/-N*-V*-Z)
BLE = xx xx xx DA (if less or equal, Z/N*-V/-N*V)
00022714 B loc_22734 = 06 00 00 EA (h34-h14=h20, minus pipeline length: h20-h8=h18, right shift 2 bits: h18/4=h6)(*)
000226B8 BLE loc_226E4 = 09 00 00 DA (hE4-hB8=h2C, minus pipeline length: h2C-h8=h24, right shift 2 bits: h24/4=h9)(*)
* The offset for branch instructions is calculated by the assembler:
- By taking the difference between the branch instruction and the target address minus 8 (to allow for the pipeline).
- This gives a 26 bit offset which is right shifted 2 bits (as the bottom two bits are always zero as instructions are word aligned) and stored into the instruction encoding.
BIC Bit Clear
BL Branch and Link
BL = xx xx 00 EB
BLEQ = xx xx 00 0B
BX Branch and Exchange
CDP Coprocessor Data Processing
CMN Compare Negative
CMP Compare
CMP (reg, reg) = xx xx 5X E1
CMP R0, R3 = 03 00 50 E1
CMP (reg, val) = 00 00 53 E3
CMP R0, #0 = 00 00 50 E3
CMP R5, #0 = 00 00 55 E3
CMPEQ R3, #1 = 01 00 53 03
EOR Logical Exclusive OR (XOR)
LDC Load Coprocessor
LDM Load Multiple
LDR Load Register
LDR R0, [R1, #0x38] = 38 00 91 E5
LDR R0, [R5] = 00 00 95 E5
LDR R2, [R3] = 00 20 93 E5
LDR R1, [R6] = 00 10 96 E5
LDREQ R3, [R7, #0x10] = 10 30 97 05
LDREQ R0, [R3, #0x8] = 08 00 93 05
LDRB Load Register Byte
LDRB R2, [R0, #2] = 02 20 D0 E5
LDRBT Load Register Byte Translate
LDRH Load Register Half Word
LDRSB Load Register Signed Byte
LDRSB R3, [SP, #2] = D2 30 DD E1
LDRSH Load Register Signed Half Word
LDRSH R1, [R6, #0x54] = F4 15 D6 E1
LDRSH R1, [R6, #0x56] = F6 15 D6 E1
LDRT Load Register Translate
MCR Move to Coprocessor from ARM reg
MLA Multiply Accumulate
MOV Move
MOV (reg, reg) = xx xx A0 E1
MOV (reg, value) = xx xx A0 E3
MOVEQ (reg, reg) = xx xx A0 01
MOVNE (reg, reg) = xx xx A0 11
MOVEQ (reg, value) = xx xx A0 03
MOVNE (reg, value) = xx xx A0 13
MOVGE (reg, value) = xx xx A0 A3
MOVHI (reg, value) = xx xx A0 83
MOV R0, #1 = 01 00 A0 E3
MOV R1, #0 = 00 10 A0 E3
MOV R4, R0 = 00 40 A0 E1
MOV R7, R1 = 01 70 A0 E1
MOV R3, R0, LSL#16 = 00 38 A0 E1
MOV R3, R3, LSR#16 = 23 38 A0 E1
MOVS R10, R11, ASR#31 = CB AF B0 E1
MOVS R11, R1, ASR#31 = C1 BF B0 E1
MOVEQ R5, #0 = 00 50 A0 03
MOV R0, #0x7F00 = 7F 0C A0 E3 (0C: 0-> R0, C -> mC = h100, h7F x h100 = h7F00)(*)
MOV R3, #0x9C00 = 27 3B A0 E3 (3B: 3-> R3, B -> mB = h400, h27 x h4 = h9C00)(*)
* where value = first 2 bytes * mX (x = Byte 4)
m1 := $40000000;
m2 := $10000000;
m3 := $4000000;
m4 := $1000000;
m5 := $400000;
m6 := $100000;
m7 := $40000;
m8 := $10000;
m9 := $4000;
mA := $1000;
mB := $400;
mC := $100;
mD := $40;
mE := $10;
mF := $4;
MRC Move to ARM reg from Coprocessor
MRS Move from Status Register
MSR Move to Status Register
MUL Multiply
MUL R11, R2, R4 = 92 04 0B E0
MUL R9, R11, R3 = 9B 03 09 E0
MUL R0, R2, R0 = 92 00 00 E0
MVN Move Negative
NOP Not a real ARM mnemonic, but effectively equivalent to a NOP
MOV R0, R0 = 00 00 A0 E1 (copy value of R0 into itself, safe)
Thumb: MOV R8, R8 = 46 C0 (MOV R0, R0 would affect the flags)
ORR Logical OR
ORR R3, R3, #0xC = 0C 30 83 E3
ORR R3, R3, #0x3C = 3C 30 83 E3
ORRS R1, R1, #0×80 = 80 10 91 E3
ORRS R3, R2, R3, LSL#8 = 03 34 92 E1
ORRS R5, R2, R3, LSL#8 = 03 54 92 E1
RET Return
RET = 0E F0 A0 E1
RSB Reverse Subtract
RSBMI R10, R1, #0 = 00 A0 61 42
RSBGT R6, R1, R4 = 04 60 61 C0
RSBMI R4, R2, #0 = 00 40 62 42
RSC Reverse Subtract with Carry
SBC Subtract with Carry
SMLAL Signed Long Multiply Accumulate
SMULL Signed Long Multiply
STC Store Coprocessor
STM Store Multiple
STR Store Register
STR R0, [R7] = 00 00 87 E5
STRB Store Register Byte
STRB R1, [R0, R3] = 03 10 C0 E7
STRB R11, [LR] = 00 B0 CE E5
STRB R11, [LR, #1] = 01 B0 CE E5
STRBT Store Register Byte Translate
STRH Store Register Half Word
STRH R3, [R4,#0xC] = BC 30 C4 E1
STRH R3, [R4,#0xE] = BE 30 C4 E1
STRH R3, [R1] = B0 30 C1 E1
STRT Store Register Translate
SUB Subtract
SUB SP, SP, #0×38 = 38 D0 4D E2
SUB R3, R11, R0 = 00 30 4B E0
SWI Software Interrupt
SWP Swap
SWPB Swap Byte
TEQ Test Equivalence
TST Test
UMLAL Unsigned Long Multiply Accumulate
UMULL Unsigned Long Multiply
Meaning Mnemonic Opcode Status flags
Equal EQ 0 0 0 0 Z=1
Not Equal NE 0 0 0 1 Z=0
Carry Set CS 0 0 1 0 C=1
Carry Clear CC 0 0 1 1 C=0
Unsigned Higher or Same HS 0 0 1 0 C=1
Unsigned Lower LO 0 0 1 1 C=0
Minus/Negative MI 0 1 0 0 N=1
Plus/Positive or Zero PL 0 1 0 1 N=0
Overflow VS 0 1 1 0 V=1
No Overflow VC 0 1 1 1 V=0
Unsigned Higher HI 1 0 0 0 C=1, Z=0
Unsigned Lower or Same LS 1 0 0 1 C=0, Z=1
Signed Greater than or Equal GE 1 0 1 0 N=V
Signed Less than LT 1 0 1 1 N!=V
Signed Greater than GT 1 1 0 0 Z=0, N=V
Signed Less than or Equal LE 1 1 0 1 Z=1, N!=V
Always AL 1 1 1 0 -
Never NE 1 1 1 1 -