
Simple role for mariadb server

Primary LanguageShell


Setup mariadb (with galera cluster if wanted) on FreeBSD host

Using include_role/tasks_from: db.yml creates a single db+user

Role Variables (default value)

  • mariadb_admin_user: (admin)
  • mariadb_admin_password: '' You need to set this one
  • mariadb_root_password: '' Local access only / remote disabled
  • mariadb_socket: (/tmp/mysql.sock)
  • mariadb_version: (10.5) Version to install if not already installed (or to upgrade to if do_upgrade_mariadb==True)
  • mariadb_basedir: (/var/db/mysql)
  • mariadb_logdir: (/var/log/mysql)
  • mariadb_owner: (mysql)
  • mariadb_group: (mysql)
  • mariadb_use_syslog: (True) Use system's syslog instead of log files
  • mariadb_zfs_base: ('') if any, will create/set recordsize to 16K and create innodb-logs subdir (128K)
  • mariadb_users: ([]) Users to be created, dict with keys 'priv','name','password' and 'host' password won't be updated, only set at creation ( like in mysql_user module )
  • mariadb_maintenance_users: ([]) like above, but to be defined globally
  • mariadb_dbs: ([]) List of databases to create (dict with keys 'name')
  • mariadb_config: ({}) Dict of config directives to be inserted in server ini file

galera specific

  • galera dict:
  • cluster_name: your cluster name
  • nodes: list of dicts containing: name (short hostname) address (ip or hostname) is_backup if true, will only serve requests when master is failed (for haproxy) ¡ First node will be master !
  • clustercheck: dict with user and pass for haproxy check responder
  • galeracheck: dict with user and pass for garb autolauncher
  • local_haproxy: (False) Replace mysqld on port 3306 with haproxy, change mariadb port to 3305 (or galera.myport)

one-shot (CLI) variables

  • mariadb_relayout_zfs (False) If defined (on command-line!), will change data layout for ZFS use
  • do_upgrade_mariadb (False) If defined (CLI), upgrade mariadb packages to wanted/latest version
  • init_galera_cluster_now (False) If defined, a NEW galera cluster will be initialized (breaking any existing cluster)

Example Playbooks

# install / create db's from `mariadb_dbs` and users from `mariadb_users` and `mariadb_maintenance_users`
- hosts: servers
     - { role: criecm.mariadb, mariadb_admin_password: '42', mariadb_zfs_base: 'zdata/mariadb' }
      bind-address: '::'

# just create a single database (the main task have already been run on the host(s))
- hosts: dbservers
    name: criecm.mariadb
tasks_from: db.yml
    mariadb: { name: mydatabase, user: myuser, pass: hispass, fromhost: mywebsrv.my.domain, priv: 'mydatabase.*:ALL' }
  # you'll find a generated password in `db_pass` fact if not provided

# Galera cluster
- hosts: mycluster # needs to be a group
  serial: 30%      # never on all nodes at the same time
  vars:            # store these in group_vars !
  cluster_name: mycluster
    - { name: myserver1, address: }
    - { name: myserver2, address: }
    - { name: myserver3, address: }
        user: clustercheck
        pass: 'Choose a unique password here'
        user: galeracheck
        pass: 'Choose a(nother) unique password here'
      bind-address: '*'


  • add wsrep_notify_cmd to stop/start garb instead of cron
